Physical Science

Topological Magnetoelectric Effects in a Semiconductor Quantum Wells via method of image Dyons
Author: Dhruba Jyoti Gogoi1,2* 1Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Moran College, Moranhat, Charaideo 785670, Assam, India 2Theoretical Physics Division, Centre for Atmospheric Studies, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh 786004, Assam, India*Corresponding author: moloydhruba@gmail.com Abstract This study investigates the influence of nanostructure shape and size on magnetic fields induced by point charges near topological-insulator (TI) and ordinary-insulator…

Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry of The Universe and Baryogenesis via Leptogenesis within Type I Seesaw Scenerio
Author: Dr. Pragyan Phukan 1* 1Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Moran College, Moranhat, Charaideo, Assam*Corresponding author: pragyanp@tezu.ernet.in AbstractWe study matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe in terms of Baryogenesis through leptogenesis in standard Type-I seesaw scenario where charged lepton mass matrix is assumed to take diagonal form. Considering the CP violating out of equilibrium decay of…